Tag: tree

A Bird and her babies………Madison CT

I spoted this birds nest with the Momma Bird and her four babies purchased above while near the waters of the Long Island Sound in Madison CT. Photographed with a Sony A7RV, (in medium file size mode of 26mp), and a Sony 24-70 f2.8 GMII lens at 70mm. 1/60th, f22, […]

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Sunset at Osborndale State Park, Derby CT

Cheryl and I had never been to Osborndale State Park in Derby before so we decided to give it a go. It was a cold winters day and very few people were there. We parked in the designated parking area and it was a one minute walk to the pond. […]

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Bucolic scene in Harwinton, CT

Beautiful farm scene in Harwinton as the goats get some rest under the shade of a gorgeous old tree. Photographed with a Sony A7RII, 42 MP, full framed, mirrorless camera and a Sony 24-105mm F4 lens @ 24mm. ISO 400, 1/160th, f16, Aperture Priority

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Don’t knock on this door!

If you look closely, this mysterious small A-Framed structure, is visible in the woods of Burlington CT from the roadway. The bold sign on the front door states “POSTED-NO TRESPASSING”. So, like I always do, I respect private property and no trespassing signs and didn’t get closer than the image […]

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There’s beauty in this mess…………

At first glance it just looks like an overgrown mess. However, when you look closer you’ll see the beautiful roots spiraling up the tree to the right of the barn. The streaks of shadows, painting it’s west side, lend character to it’s already aging charm. With tears of rust and […]

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Barn embraced by the old Elm tree.

Cheryl and I photographed this nice quaint barn on Hog Hill Rd. in East Hampton CT.  It was framed beautifully with this large old tree. Photographed with a Sony Nex 7, 24 MP mirrorless camera and a Sony 55-210 lens @ 55 mm. 1/320th, f11, ISO 800, Aperture priority

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Cornfields of Connecticut

I can’t exactly remember but I believe this was a cornfield in the hills of Litchfield County CT. Nikon D7100, 18.0-55.0 mm f/3.5-5.6 lens shot at 55.00mm. I/100th, F13, ISO 100.

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