In an effort to keep experimenting and trying new photography techniques I purchased a 90 mm crystal ball and took my first “crystal ball” photograph. Photographed with the glass ball on a suction mounted tripod. The camera was also tripod mounted. Shot with a Sony A7RII, 42.3 MP, mirrorless camera […]
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Photographed this old barn in Coventry CT with Cheryl. Photographed With Sony Nex 7, Sony 55-210 at 55mm (35mm=83mm) 1/640th, f11, ISO 800, Aperture Priority
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Another gorgeous barn quietly hidden beyond the fall foliage of New England on Burnt Hill Rd. in Hebron CT. This barn actually sits behind a farm house (to the left out of view). However, it was completely blocked by the yard and trees. I was forced to drive down the […]
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This old barn looks quite comfortable nestled amongst the changing New England fall leaves. Photographed with a Sony Nex 7, 24MP, mirrorless camera. Sony 55-210, 4.5-6.3 OSS at 55mm (35mm equiv. = 82) 1/320th, f11, ISO 800 Aperture Priority
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This barn may have been put out to pasture years ago but it is still holding its own as foliage tries to overtake it on every side. I think it’s a gem of a barn and I hope it stands for many years to come representing all the hard work […]
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As you can see this barn has been kept up beautifully and presents a near pristine appearance. It was located on Valley Falls Rd. in Vernon CT. If this was shot with a wider lens you’d see that this barn is situated on probably about 10 acres of land, all […]
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Old Glory sways in the gentle September breeze adding a touch of patriotism to this beautifully aging barn on Lovells Lane in Newtown CT. Photographed with a Sony Nex 7, 24 MP mirrorless camera and a Sony Carl Zeiss 24, 1.8 lens. 1/60th, f13, ISP 250, Aperture Priority
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UPDATE as of June 06, 2020 Cheryl and I drove by the site of the once Circle Dot Drive In to find that it had been torn down. The abandoned CIRCLE DOT DRIVE IN, 687 Main St., (Rt. 25), Monroe CT. Best I can determine it was built in 1954 […]
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