Author: admin

Refurbishing the iconic Greyledge Farm Barn!

So I set my sail to Roxbury CT on this absolutely gorgeous fall day in hopes of photographing the iconic Greyledge Farm Barn. Well, much to my surprise, upon arriving, the barn was being refurbished. There were workers removing and replacing individual boards on the exterior cladding. How many workers […]

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One with the land in Harwinton CT

Not sure if this would be classified as a barn or a storage shed but either way I was struck by it’s beautiful appearance. Tucked into a small hill and adorned with ivy it was unusual and had eye appeal. Harwinton CT is its home. Photographed with a Sony A7RII, […]

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Beautiful barn tucked away in Harwinton CT

Looks like a nicely maintained barn tucked behind trees and a rock wall in the countryside of Harwinton CT. Photographed with a Sony A7RII, 42MP, full framed, mirrorless camera and a Sony 24-105 F4 lens at 71mm. ISO 1600, 1/250th, f8, Aperture Priority

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Christian Barn in Harwinton CT

I love everything about this stoic looking barn sitting high on a Harwinton CT hillside. It has quite a presence and the addition of a cross made crudely out of two pieces of unfinished lumber tells it all. Perhaps there is a message as the bright light from above breaks […]

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Harwinton Barn

This old barn is situated on a main road running through Harwinton CT. Photographed with a Sony A7RII, 42MP, full framed, mirrorless camera and a Sony 24-105 F4 lens @ 24mm. ISO 800, 1/100th, f16, Aperture Priority.

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Inviting church entrance in Harwinton CT

The Harwinton Congregational Church presents an inviting entrance during the fall as visitors are embraced by the warmth of the adjacent tree. Photographed with a Sony A7RII, 42MP, full framed, mirrorless camera and a Sony 24-105mm lens @ 71mm. ISO 800 1/200th, f10, Aperture Priority

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Beautiful abandoned house in Harwinton CT

While barn hunting in Harwinton CT I came upon this gorgeous abandoned house. I’m sure it’s fairly old as it rests on a stone foundation. Back in the day I’m sure this was a beautiful home but, for whatever reason, the current owners have elected to let it slowly deteriorate. […]

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Abandoned barn in Harwinton CT

As usual, what most people drive by giving little notice, I find beauty. This aging, weathering, old barn set against a beautiful fall backdrop makes for a nice “abandoned” image. Photographed with a Sony A7RII, 42MP, full framed, mirrorless camera and a Sony 24-105mm at 65mm. ISO 400, 1/310th, f10, […]

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