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The J.H.Sessions & Son manufacturing company was formed in 1861 in Bristol CT.  They manufactured hardware for trunks at their 273 Riverside Ave. location.  In 1907 a larger warehouse was added on.  This may be the picture you see from the road.

In 1873 John H. Session admitted his son John H. Session, Jr. as partner and eventually he brought his own son into the business as well.  A reader wrote in and advised that the plant was in operation until 1984.

Photo’s taken with Sony Next 7, 24 mp, interchangeable lens, mirrorless camera.

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  1. company operated until 1984

  2. Frances Goessinger

    We have six clocks that were made by Sessions. They need repair in order to operate correctly. Please advise us as to where we can bring them for repairs.
    Thank you

    • > Try Galasso’s Clock & Watch Shop
      1660 Whitney Ave, Hamden, CT 06517
      (203) 288-6440
      I don’t know these people. I can’t endorse them or not endorse them. Just seems like a place to start. Give them a call and see if they can be of any help. Thanks for visiting my site. Jay

  3. I work there for about a yr when I turned 16 and quit school, I work in the shipping dept and paint department to, I could not run any machinery as I was only 16, I think the guy Who was in charge of the shipment department name was Walt, nice guy he was pretty sure he was there a very long time, I worked 9 hrs a day and lots of Saturdays, I do remember payday was Monday, lol wasn’t doing to bad there, but then I turned 17 and joined the Army so this was 1974 75 area, Not bad place to work, it was my start in the real world, I should have finished high school

  4. Sandra Gonzalez

    Awesome photos! My mom, two of her brothers, and her brother in law worked here from the mid 70’s until the doors closed. I remember visiting her a couple times at work when I was a kid. I remember that it was family owned and my mom always spoke good about the family. Very interesting reading the whole history of JH Sessions and Sons. Made me smile knowing that my family had history here too.

    • Wow Sandra! That’s a lot of family history. Glad it brought back some good memeories for you. Thanks for you kind remarks about the photos as well.

      Best regards, Jay

  5. my grandpa worked there about 1940 s ( winter)

  6. Paul Norton

    Started in a Ct factory at 14. Till 17 when I enlisted U S Navy, have been studying the CT trunk Hardware and lock makers. Eagle lock in Terryville and Corbin Cabinet Lock Co in New Britain. Please visit me at Hartco Trunks Showroom at 785 Terryville Ave in Bristol, CT Micro-museum open for tours. 860-307-2208 Paul Norton

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