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I’m standing in the center of Birdseye Rd to take this shot.  It is a very rural, infrequently traveled road on the outskirts of Shelton CT. If it wasn’t for my reflective vest you’d have difficulty seeing me due to all the shade the surrounding tree’s provided. I see a pickup truck slowly approaching me. Sure enough it was the owner of the farm.  I’ve met a fair amount of farmers over the years while photographing their barns and they all share one thing in common.  They just don’t look like people you’d want to mess with.  Years of demanding farm work have built them into strong looking dudes.  Rudi was no exception so I was hoping he was in a good mood (smile). His rather large, burly appearance, was a bit intimidating but I was quickly put at ease as he said “Hi I’m Rudy, come onto the property and take whatever pictures you want”.  That was a relief.  What a nice guy he was.  I never did go onto his property, mostly because the best view happened to be from where I was standing.  However, it was very nice of him to offer.

This image appears to be a combination of the farmers home, a silo and the top of a barn the remainder of which is hidden by the grade of the field.  I do love silo’s and am always happy to see one on the side of a barn.

We’re in a strange time where yesterday crosses paths with today.  For example just 3 or 4 miles away sits a very modern portion of Shelton with some huge corporations, hotels, restaurants etc.  It’s always nice to either see the relics of yesterday’s farms or, as in this case, better yet an actual working farm.

Photographed with a Sony Nex 7, mirrorless camera and a Sony 55-210, 4.5-6.3 lens @ 55 mm (35 mm equiv. = 82).

1/640th, f11, ISO 400, Aperture Priority.

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