Because we were on our way somewhere I didn’t want to delay the trip too much by stopping over and over for photo’s. However as a photographer I see light and images everywhere I go whether I’m working or playing. Hence the need to always have a camera by my side.

I had to pull over as my eyes gazed upon the majesty of the Warren Congregational Church setting high a top their nicely manicured front lawn. I’ve always loved the beautiful architecture of Congregational Churches and this one was no exception. This church was built in 1818 and was named to the National Register of Historic Places in 1991. It is located at # 4 Sackett Hill Road Warren, CT. I’ve c0me to know many a preacher from photographing so many weddings. I’m sure they’d want us to appreciate this as “God’s house” more than the wood it’s made from. However, I see no wrong in valuing both.

As we travelled further we came upon this American flag prominently painted on the front of an old barn near the road side. Knowing the care it took for someone to paint this always brings me to reflect. Whether we live in a high rise apartment of a bustling city or deep into the rolling countryside working the farm lands, we all share the freedoms that this flag represents. “Old Glory” with a star for every state and stripe for each of the (13)original colonies has been worth fighting for since it’s inception in 1777. Thank you to those men and women, who put themselves in harms way, to make this the best country in the world.

We were taken aback by the beauty of this aging barn with an old tractor sitting out front. This was on the outskirts of a working dairy farm. Replaced by larger buildings and updated farm equipment it sits idle allowing mother nature to carve her impressions. I can’t help but look at these scenes and see and hear what may have been so many years ago. Without any care both cling to their history and stand proud as New Englands rough seasons beat on upon them. The beauty of photography is that this story will never be lost.

Just down the road on the same farms property stood these bails of hay. Nothing around it, just a pile of hay sitting on the corner of a seldom traveled country back road. Having bailed hay as a young boy it brings me back to the sounds, sweat and smells of bailing and loading up these piles. It reminded me of the good feeling of a hard days work. Fond memories of my Dad filled my thoughts. He did the same thing when he was a kid which prompted me to follow in his footsteps. For those that just see a pile of hay no explanation will suffice. For those that see much more than no explanation is necessary.

We stumbled upon another weathered barn. As I pulled over in front of an old farm house and rolled down my window to get the right angle for the shot I was approached by the owner. He was a man in his 80’s and he asked me what I was doing. I said “I think old barns are really cool”. Without saying a word he just turned and walked away. Here’s the lesson I learned. Just because we see and live with something or someone every day let us not take for granted their beauty and qualities.
There certainly is plenty to appreciate and photograph in Litchfield County. I’ll be back another day and hopefully will be accompanied again by my terrific wife. Now it’s time to continue onto C.A.M.A. before the afternoon slips away on us!
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